With hurricane season just a few months away, if you’re a homeowner, you’ll want to make sure that your roof is in tip-top condition. This starts with a visual inspection and then a professional inspection if you detect anything that might not look right. Taking the right steps now to ensure that your roof is airtight when a storm hits can make all the difference in helping to keep your home safe from leaks and flooding. As we know, leaks can bring mold and mildew and that’s something you’ll want to avoid at all costs. J&K Roofing is a leading roofing contractor that employs a team of experts with decades of experience. They can fix any roofing problem including builder errors, roof neglect, and standing water.
Here Are 5 Smart Maintenance Tips for Keeping Roof Leaks at Bay:
1. Trim Your Trees Regularly.
Do you have tree branches that extend over your roof or are hitting a window? Trimming your branches and cutting your trees can keep pests who use the branches as a bridge to your roof away for good. Once on your roof, these pests can burrow, tunnel and cause serious damage. Tree limbs can also cause some serious damage in a hurricane if not secured.
2. Clean Your Gutters Regularly.
I’m sure you’ve noticed that most roofs are sloped in to help aid in water drainage. Sloped roofs typically pour water into gutters, allowing water to drain off of the roof and away from your home’s foundation. But if you don’t keep your gutters clean, things can back up. Cleaning your gutters on a seasonal schedule can help keep them free of water-clogging debris.
3. Do a Visual Inspection.
Take a peek at your roof and make sure everything looks okay. Make sure your roof doesn’t have any debris on it. If you detect any leaks, call a residential roofer in Tampa that you can trust like Chase Roofing.
4. Be Aware of Fire Hazards.
When its holiday season and you are decorating your roof, make sure that your decorative lights don’t damage it. Always secure lights with gentle adhesives that don’t harm roofing. If you set off fireworks, make sure to aim them away from your roof.
5. Replace Missing Shingles or Tiles.
Roofing tiles and shingles can break or fly away in a strong storm. High winds and regular wear can all take a toll on your roof. A tile can also act as a deadly flying weapon in a violent storm if not properly tacked down. Remember to replace them quickly by calling an experienced roofing contractor in Hollywood.
These are just a few of the ways you can protect your home against roof leaks, damage from storms, and everyday rainstorms. The age of a roof can also play a large part in the number of roof leaks you experience. This is why you should proactively contact an expert roofing contractor in Hollywood. This way you can ensure that your roof is inspected and repaired sooner than later. Give us a call today if you think you have a roof leak and are looking for a roofer in Hollywood. Call J&K Roofing at (954) 961-9879. We guarantee that one of our expert roofers will be dispatched to your home within the hour.